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Black and White Photography



Self Portrait Images


History Of Photography

1. The first successful photographic process was call Daguerreotype. This process was discovered in 1835 by accident. It was developed by Louis Daguerre. The process was fixed in 1837 and announced to the public in 1839.





2. James Clerk Maxwell made the fisrt advancements in colour photography. In 1860 he began working with colour by taking three exposures, each one with a different colour filter. The three colours being red, green and blue. He then prjected the three images using three lanterns with the corrosponding filters.





3. Although Maxwell made the first advancements in colour photography, in 1907 the Lumiere Brothers developed the Autochrome plate. This was the first pratical process. 





4. George Eastman introduced the flexible film in 1884. Photography is now accessible for all because of his contributions. Eastman created Kodak. 





5. The box camera was also invented by Eastman in 1886. Due to the cost, the first kodak box camera was not successful until 1888. It was an instant success.




Facts Learned

1. An aperture is an opening that changes in size to admit more or less light. F-stops are the numbers on the aperture control. 


2. A shutter is a device that opens and closes at varying speeds to determine the amount of time the light entering the aperture is allowed to reach the film or sensor. 


3. The depth of field is the area or zone of a photograph, from front to back which is in focus. 


4. Emulsion sensitivity indicates how quickly your film reacts to light. This factor is expressed by the ISO number.


5. 1 stop of aperture= 1 stop of shutter speed= 1 stop of ISO.


6. In a negative image, when chemically processed the silver crystals that have been hit by light will turn black.


7. Black objects will asborb the light and will leave the paper white. 


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